Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Every Day in May Challenge {Day 1}

Okay everyone, Jenni over at Story Of my Life Blog is hosting a Blog Every Day in May challenge!  I'm actually excited for this, maybe it will give me the push and help I have been looking for to not only blog every day but to get my blog to where I saw it going 3 years ago when I started it!

So here we go with day 1!

The Story of my Life in 250 words or less.

Well I consider to have had a "crazy" life up until now. My parents divorced when I was little so I was always back and forth between my moms house (where I spent most of my time) and my dads "house" (where I spent every other weekend and some holidays).  I rebelled a lot in high school, surprised I graduated and nothing really bad happened.  I thank god every day for changing my ways and meeting Steven.  I have never been happier than where I am now.  And even though I wasn't the best child and I have made A LOT of mistakes, I do not regret anything because it has made me who I am today as well I am able to help give advise to those who might be following down the same path I did!
 Until tomorrow!
Happy Wednesday and May 1st y'all!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


OFriend [frend] noun, plural friends. 1. a person not in your family whom you know and like and who likes you; someone you like to spend time with and do things with. 2. someone who supports something by giving help or money: He is a friend of the Arts Society.
I was never that girl who had 100 friends, and I was more than fine with that!
I had my best friend and a few other close friends and that was that.  But for some reason those friendships never seemed to last more then a few years.  It was always very hard for me to accept because I was always the friend that invested EVERYTHING and did ANYTHING for my friends and they never did the same. 
(I guess its a good thing I finally realized that cause that's not a way to live life)
Any ways after graduating high school I never spoke to any one I went to school with.  They were all still stuck in "high school" mode and I was the grown up. Went to school full time and had a job straight out of school.  It hurt because I felt like I had to start all over again making friends, and that is NOT easy for me.
Friends came and left, I had a few boy friends that came and left as well.  It was very hard for me. I didn't think at 18 and 19 it would be so hard to find that friendship everyone talks about.
4.5 years ago (by this time I was 3.5 years out of high school)
I met a girl who instantly became my best friend.  We were inseparable right away.  She was not just my best friend but a sister that I never had. 
Silly things that happen in Tahoe!
Fun times at weddings I didn't want to be at
(she was my sanity when I needed it)
Laying on the beach in Tahoe
Well 2.5 years ago we had a falling out.  We are both to blame I do blame my self more because I never talked to her about how I was feeling and what not.  I ended up cutting her out of my life, and that was a huge mistake.  A friendship is like a relationship and you have to work hard to keep it and communicate.  I wish I would have just told her how I was feeling and not be a butt head. 
With the wedding coming up (in 11 days, eek so excited!) a lot of things have been going through my head.  My mind hasn't shut off in days and even though were not having a bridal party I still think of all my friends and of course her.  We use to spend nights talking, ok planning our weddings and what we would do for our bachelorette parties and so forth together.  I truly makes me sad that we have missed out on so much in each others lives in the last 2.5 years.  We both bought house and she just got married a few months ago. 
I know people come in and out of your life for a reason.  But does this count as one of those times?  Was I meant to lose her as a friend?  Or was it all just a result of me being a stubborn ass and not talking about how I felt?
Well I'm taking it as my fault and not gods.  I reached out to her last week, and we are going to meet for coffee or a drink soon.  At first I was extremely nervous, like it was a first date with a guy I have never met.  I'm scared she is going to hate me, be mad at me, not let me in.  I'm truly not sure how it will go.  Part of me wants to be strong and not get overly excited because I have no idea what is going to come of this, and I am sure that we wont be back to the way we were right away or maybe even at all.  It has been a long time and we both have changed a lot since then.  But I cant help but hope that things will be better. 

This is just my claim code ignore it 
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/7247415/?claim=4mmhudqfpb4">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> 


{we cleanse together}

along with many things the Mr and I cleanse together.
About 6 months ago I got hooked up with a wonderful lady through Instagram and she is a Beach Body Coach.  She was getting ready to do a 3 day Shakeology Cleanse.  I have always been interested in doing a cleanse and after speaking with her about what it in tales and how safe, natural and good for you it was I signed up! 
(both for the cleanse and as a Beach Body Coach!)
I did the cleanse back in late November early December and had AMAZING results.  I was not expecting to lose any weight seeing how small I was already and the fact that we ate clean.  I would have just been happy knowing my insides were healthier and that I just felt better.  Much to my surprise I lost weight, felt amazing and looked so much better.
Here is what the cleanse in tales

1. You start each morning off with a cup of green tea you can have it hot or cold. 
(of course ours is organic)
2. Next you follow up with a shake, I just have mine with 12 oz of water and add about 1 tbsp. of cinnamon to mask the chocolate flavor (yes I hate chocolate!) You can also blend your morning shake with ice, water, and 1/2 cup of fruit.
 (These packets are purchased through a Beach Body Coach and they are already measured in packets, unless you purchase a 30 day supply)
3. You can have one piece of fruit between breakfast shake and lunch shake.  I always have an apple, a BIG apple.  It fills you up better than most fruits.
4. For lunch you have your shake, again mixed with 12 oz of water, this time no fruit.
Then you follow up with your cup of green tea (again hot or cold).
5. For another snack or save it for dessert you have one more shake for the day.  I have mine at around 3:30-4pm because I do not get home until 7pm.
6. For dinner!! Yay for dinner!!  You get a 4 oz piece of white meat, chicken or fish!  You may season with what ever you want but stay away from salt.  You also get a large salad with 2 tbsp. of non dairy dressing.  Or you may have 2 cups of a dense green veggie, I always have zucchini.
You also MUST DRINK WATER!  72-120 oz of water A DAY. This is so important because your body needs it and it helps to keep you full between meals. 
If you stick to this cleanse and follow it you will see amazing results as well just feel amazing.  Every ones body is different so some people may not see weight loss however just feeling better and knowing you did something good for your body is good enough!
So, on day 4 we wake up and weighed ourselves and I also measured!
Steven lost 4 pounds! I lost 3 and lost 1" in my waist and a 1/2" in both my thighs!

So happy with these results!
If you are interested in doing a cleanse contact me and I would love to help you get healthy!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

{Thankful Thursdays}

Dear Thursday .. Oh how I am thankful for this day alone but today I am especially thankful for my best friend.  If it were not for her I would be going crazy with this wedding planning.
(ok well crazier than I already am!)
I always swore I would never let wedding planning get the best of me.  I swore I wouldn't be one of those crazy brides who loses friends and fights with everybody.  I'm not to that point yet but some days I feel like I want to call the whole thing off and just run away with Steven.
Our actual wedding is planned, done, finished and I am so excited!
However the reception to follow two days later, that is a whole different story.  We have invited around 130 people and well I'm still waiting to hear from 35 people who decided that RSVP'ing isn't in their vocabulary.  If it were around 10 I would just say yes and see if they show up, but 35 people, that is just too many to say yes to.
(me screaming in my head)
Thank you Thursday.
Thank you Morgan.
Thank you Mr. Ruiz.
I love you all